Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

a story of "Setjangkir Kopi dari Plaja"

 a puppet play about "A cup of Coffee from Playa" ..

 it's about a cup of coffee that you made especially for me..

 .. about the time we spent happily together when we were young..

 ... about the books that we read...

 ... about the love that we shared...

... about the picture that ever captured... 

... about the commitment we made.

until the day came..

when i have to say good bye for a while...

 ..when you tried to describe how the feeling inside..

.. i said don't be sad, my darling...

 i was very honored.
it's the thing that i can give to our beloved country..

 it's just a short good bye for a little while.

 well... time flew..

and i always love the moment while i sent the letters to you..

 though my friends kept teasing me, 
because they know how much we love each other.

.. until those black days came...

... did i tell you it's just a little good bye for a little while, darling?
i really hope, it did.
i am very sorry..

 i just want to come back,
wipe your tears and put the ring back to your finger...
and saying that i am fine...

i wish i could sit in your side in our wedding ceremony that we planned...

 i wish...

but here i am, my darling...
staying in a never land while i can't stop thinking of coming back..

 ..until i got these wrinkles on my face...
 .. the hunchback body because of my age...

but they call me again, my darling...
after 40 years of waiting!

i will be home soon!

.. and live those memories that left behind!

riding the old bike with you by my side!

.. and i hope you can make me another cup of coffee like those days, 
my darling...

.. but time flew...

 and it's not only about me and you.

it's not only about how i feel for you.

based on a true story, performed in an antique shop.

"Setjangkir Kopi dari Plaja" is a production of  Papermoon Puppet Theatre, INDONESIA
(December 2011)

photos by Hera Ariani and Indra Wicaksono
story by Ria Papermoon

*polaroid photo by Seterhen Akbar from Riset Indie

8 komentar:

  1. Sedihhh mbak ria :'( tp tetep ya, cerita dan tokohnya bagusss.

  2. terimakasih yaa.. :) doain kami bisa main di jakarta suatu saat nanti yaa.. jadi bisa nonton deh.. ;)

  3. Dear Ria and Iwan and the entire cast! Wow! These images of your piece are so beautiful - the light, the puppets, the objects, the setting! Bravo. I wish I could be there with you to enjoy. xoxoxo Laurel Tentindo

  4. thank you so much, Laurel! we miss you and Luis so much! can't wait to meet you next year!! HUGS!

  5. sakiiittt ini sakiiittt.
    bikin pengen iris2 pergelangan tangan
    mbak riaaaaa :'(

    papermoon keren banget deh. aku cintaaa

  6. sudah kuduga, ini pst awesome...sayang..aku melewatkan makanan seperti ini... *bahasa lain org yg gak dapet tiket atwpun giveway*

  7. HELLO. di mana bisa mencari soundtrack?? LOVED THE MUSIC SELECTION and watched it here in Ubud festival. Good job everyone. this is fantastic. :) good luck!
